WIP What advice would you give designers struggling to find work in agencies?
SZ If you can't find a position in an agency, consider freelancing as a viable option. It's important to develop a broad skill set that allows you to adapt to various roles and client needs. Understanding the business side of design—such as writing proposals, managing projects, and setting fair rates—is essential. Networking is also critical; getting out there and meeting people can open doors that would otherwise remain closed.
WIP Do you think the education system adequately prepares designers for the job market?
SZ There's a significant gap between what is taught in schools and the realities of the job market. While schools focus on cultivating creativity, they often overlook the importance of preparing students for the competitive and commercial aspects of the industry. It's vital for educational institutions to incorporate more practical training on business skills and market dynamics to better equip graduates for the challenges they will face.
WIP What is your stance on unpaid pitches, and how do they affect the industry?
SZ Unpaid pitches are detrimental to our industry. They devalue our work and set a dangerous precedent that creativity can be exploited without fair compensation. While it's tempting to take on unpaid work to land a project or gain exposure, it ultimately undermines the profession as a whole. Agencies and freelancers alike need to push back against this practice and advocate for fair pay for their expertise and time